How To Combat Seasonal Allergies
Spring is in the air – literally in the air with thousands of pollen varieties and other allergens floating around. Allergy sufferers rarely appreciate the beauty of Spring viewed through watery, swollen eyes or the amazing fragrances this time of year brings from a stuffy blocked nose.
There is however some good news for allergy sufferers. There are a variety of steps that they can take to reduce the symptoms or prevent their allergies altogether:
1. Home Hygiene
If the Coronavirus has taught us anything, it is how important hygiene is. Good hygiene helps eliminate microorganisms and microbes that are invisible to the naked eye. Pollen, dust mites and bacteria that cannot be seen are largely responsible for causing allergies. Cleaning and disinfecting the home daily can help get rid of these causes. Vacuuming and steam cleaning are both clean and pure ways of ridding the home of dust and mites that could be responsible for allergies.
2. Clean Air
An air filtration or purification system is a great investment for allergy sufferers. These systems are specifically designed to eliminate microscopic particles and microbes from the air to provide cleaner and clearer air to breathe. Eliminating these microscopic particles from the air can eliminate allergies altogether. However, it is important to understand that while systems like air conditioners may provide some measure of filtration, they do not purify the air. In order to get truly clean air indoors, it is necessary to choose an air purification system.
3. Limit Outdoor Exposure
The great outdoors is packed full of potential triggers like pollen being released from every flower and plant. The less time an allergy sufferer spends outdoors, the less they are exposed to these triggers and the less likely it will be that they will suffer from an allergy attack. If the outdoors cannot be avoided, it is recommended to take precautions such as taking antihistamines before going out or in extreme cases, wearing a mask to filter out allergy triggers.
4. Limit Indoor Exposure
The indoors does not automatically guarantee safety from allergy triggers. Dust and dust mites are primarily responsible for triggering indoor allergy attacks. It is best to avoid places that are dusty or unclean and take measures to eliminate dust mites in areas that are frequented regularly. Identify indoor areas that trigger attacks and avoid these as much as possible.
5. Medicate
Antihistamines are a firm favorite when it comes to treating allergies with medication. When the microscopic elements enter the body, it triggers the defense system which releases histamines. Histamines encourage the production of mucous to essentially flush the foreign materials from the body. Antihistamines stop the production of histamines and therefore combat all the symptoms of allergy attacks such as stuffy nose, inflammation, watery eyes, etc. On the downside, antihistamines can cause drowsiness and dry mouth. Non-drowsy varieties of antihistamines are available to treat symptoms when sleeping is not an option.
It is also a good idea to try out some natural remedies that can be quite effective at treating allergies. Keep in mind that what works for one person may not work for another. Trying different home remedies may lead to the discovery of an effective measure that works for a specific person.
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