What Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Is All About

Like the majority of things in modern-day life, information always equates to power. Men’s health awareness entails informing men about preventable health complications and why it’s important to consult with your physician – and this is especially the case when it comes to prostate cancer. Only the male gender has a prostate. It’s basically a walnut-shaped gland that is a section of the reproductive system. It is located before the rectum and beneath the bladder. It encircles the urethra, the tube that transports semen and urine from the body.

The primary role of the prostate is to assist in making fluid for semen to assist safeguard and boost sperm. Semen safeguards the sperm so that it reaches the egg cell. Next to the prostate is the seminal vesicles, which increase additional fluid to the semen. The most frequent prostate health issues are prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH, and prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer has been known to be the most prevalent non-skin cancer in males over 55 years old and only comes behind lung cancer as the most fatal.

The goal behind Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is to assist highlight the importance of screening to assist in diagnosing the disease in its early stages.

The Power of Early Detection

If detected early enough, almost 90% of prostate cancer can be treated. While it’s a serious condition, prostate cancer can be treated and the majority of men that have received this diagnosis don’t necessarily succumb to it. It becomes severe when it begins spreading. If it is detected early while it’s still limited to the prostate, the cancer is easily treatable. The Cancer Treatment Centers of America reported that nearly all prostate cancer is classified as adenocarcinomas, which is a frequent and treatable tumor liable for a considerable number of cancers. Regular screenings are integral in spotting and diagnosing prostate cancer before it begins spreading.

If left to escalate, prostate cancer can quickly transmit to neighboring organs. The bladder is the most impacted organ by prostate cancer. Cancer can also find its way to the lymphatic system, bloodstream, or bones and cause pain and brittle bones. So don’t let things exacerbate; consult with your medical practitioner or schedule an appointment this Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

And consider how prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., it’s integral that you have an understanding of its signs and symptoms. Knowing the tell-tale signs to watch out for with regard to prostate cancer can significantly decrease somebody’s chances of moving to more serious stages of cancer.

In the early stages of this condition, prostate cancer grows gradually and exhibits minimal health complications, which makes it that much harder to detect cancer in the prostate. If you begin to experience frequent or difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction, or blood in urine, you should consider consulting with your doctor about getting a prostate assessment as these may be the early signs of cancer. Some of the tests you can expect to get include a digital rectal examination, prostate-specific antigen, and if need be, a biopsy. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is all about getting to the bottom of this.

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